经济纠纷四川 成都2025-01-18 23:15
月帮助201720人楼主少打了一段; a.That doesn't count.We weren't playing for real. b.Money has been really tight lately... I've had so many other expenses... c.It's not my fault.He\She made me do it. d.I didn't see the sign. e.It's not my turn to ... I didn't know anythin储鼎臂刮赚钙辫水播惊g about it. 横着写答案是b a e c d 原问题:《日常生活中,你见过喜欢耍赖的人吗?让我们看看他们在不同场合是怎么找借口的》回复于 2022-11-15 15:48:00