公司法务湖南 益阳2025-01-17 15:41
月帮助201720人XX公司股东会决议 RESOLUTION OF XX Co., Ltd 会议时间: Time of the meeting: 会议地址: Address of the meeting: 与会股东: Attending shareholders: 经公司股东会讨论决定,现就股权转让事宜达成决议如下: The board of shareholders decides to make a resolution about the shares transfer as following through discussion, 同意股东A将其所持有的公司的全部股权以 转让给(新股东) ,其注册地址为 ,法定代表人为 。转股后公司的股东为 和新股东 ,出资额分别为 ,所占比例分别为 。同时公司将按照有关规定,对公司章程进行相应修改,并履行工商登记变更手续。 Approve shareholder A of transferring all its shares to , whose registered address is and legal representative is , by the price of . After the transfer of the equity, the shareholders of the company shall be whose capital contributions are respectively and shareholding proportions are respectively . The company will make the amendment to the Articles of Association according to the relevant regulations, and apply for the registration changing procedures. 以上事项经全体股东一致表决通过。 The above mentioned matter has been approved by all the shareholders. 股东签字盖章(Signature and seal of the shareholders): A公司 B公司 Signature and Seal: Signature and Seal: 日期: Date: 章程修正案 AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 根据公司章程相关规定,经公司股东会会议决议通过,现将公司章程做出如下修改: According to the Articles of Association, the following amendments thereto had been adopted by the Resolution of Board of Shareholders: 一、章程第一章第一条原为: Article 1 in Chapter 1 of the Articles of Association was: “” 现改为: Now it has been changed into: “” 二、章程第一章第三条原为: Article 3 in Chapter 1 of the Articles of Association was: “” 现改为: Now it has been changed into: “” 全体股东签章: A公司盖章(Sealing): 法定代表人签字(Signature of the Legal Representative): 日期(Date): B(新公司)公司盖章(Sealing): 法定代表人签字(Signature of the Legal Representative): 日期(Date): 原问题:《我们公司需要做变更法人,我们需要股东会决议和公司章程修正案,这俩应该怎么写呢?》回复于 2022-11-11 23:48:34